Terms of Purchase


Orders must be placed a minimum of 3 days in advance of collection, this allows me to co-ordinate orders and ensure that I can give the most love and attention to your orders.


Orders can be cancelled up to 72hrs before collection, but deposits will not be refunded. Cancellations after this time will be completely non-refundable.


This business is a home bakery, and we do not offer or have the capability to provide home deliveries. We would kindly ask you to collect your orders from the address provided in your confirmation email.

Once goods have been collected and are out of my hands, the responsibility for its conditions is no longer mine.

When transporting your cakes and other goodies home we advise:

  1. Make sure you hold the cake box from underneath when carrying.
  2. Transport your cakes in the passenger footwell of the car.
  3. Turn on the AC before and after collection to reduce risk of melting buttercream. 
  4. Drive slowly and carefully, avoid speed bumps and potholes.

When arriving at home, place your cakes & bakes straight into the fridge. Your cakes will keep for 3 days.


Due to each design being custom made to order, please take the website photos as an example of what I can do. All products will be finished to the highest quality, but designs may vary from time to time, this allows me to take creative liberties with look and appearance.


For any custom or bespoke design, please send an enquiry through the custom cake product. We aim to respond within 24-72hrs to discuss your requirements, cost involved and potential finishing and collection dates.


Many of the coloured cake and cupcake designs contain food colouring. These colourings may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children, therefore the consumption of these products will be at your own risk. 


Allergies, cleanliness and the health and safety for our customers is our highest priority. When placing an order with us, please mention all allergies you or whom ever you’re purchasing the goods for are specified in your order request/purchase.

JayJay Cakes kitchen at times works with cereals containing gluten (such as barley and oats), lupinpeanutssesamesoybeanssulphur dioxide and sulphitestree nuts (such as almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, brazil nuts, cashews, pecans, pistachios and macadamia nuts) and celeryDue to manufacturing methods, some ingredients used may also have the risk of cross-contamination. We do not recommend purchasing from JayJay Cakes if you are highly allergic as there may be traces of allergens.

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